The Astrology of Sexual Health // Corn silk & Agrimony
Georgia O’Keeffe
Happy Scorpio season lovelies!
In honor of the solar month, we will spend some time discussing one of Scorpio’s favorite topics--sex--as it relates to health and astrology. With Venus and Mercury currently transiting Scorpio in addition to the Sun, it seemed an appropriate time to cover this often-avoided health topic.
Venus + Venereal disease
The planet Venus, along with her signs of Taurus and Libra, has traditionally been associated with sexually transmitted infections due to her mythological pursuit of pleasurable experiences. This leaves a lot to be unpacked--simply having Venus in debility/fall (Scorpio, Aries, Virgo) doesn’t mean that you are doomed to a life of sexual health issues. Neither does having Venus in hard aspect to another planet—however, the predisposition of Venus to experience health problems increases with the involvement of certain other planets. For sexual health specifically, those planets are Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, Uranus, Neptune or Chiron.
I find it important to encourage conversations about sexual health so that we may remove the stigma and moralizing from the topic of STIs. Not only are STIs much more prevalent than we think, their presence in our evolutionary process has shaped much of our physical and cultural history. We have not been so graceful in dealing with these ailments, however, as there have been situations wherein people suffering from an active infection were turned away from hospitals due to unfounded fears and probably a dose of racism/classism. Diseases that were considered “self-inflicted” were refused treatment, and ethical judgement continues to be passed on individuals today who present any form of sexual infection. We believe that certain diseases only exist within and originate from certain populations, but experience has shown us that the real picture is much more complex than that.
By studying the astrological correlations of STI occurrence, my hope is to illustrate that the planetary forces affect all forms of life without prejudice, and that while no one planetary aspect alone can “cause” a disease to manifest outright, there are certain energetic predispositions that place certain individuals at a higher risk than others through no fault or lack of morality of their own, which is a belief that is still insidious in gynecological practice today. Additionally, there are certain astrological configurations that can predispose one to other types of tissue state imbalances that contribute to sexual health issues such as PMS, chronic infections, fibroids/cystic growth, infertility, etc. We may not cover all of these ailments specifically in this article, but rather we will touch upon the planetary energies that can cause upsets to the vital flow of energy to the sexual organs.
An Allegory with Venus and Cupid, Bronzino, theorized to represent the dangers of syphilis
The 6th house Ruler
Before getting into specific aspects or planetary energies, I want to throw out a disclaimer--just because you may have one or two of these aspects in your natal chart does not mean that you will contract an STI at some point in your life. Attention must be paid to a myriad of factors--the ruler of your 6th house of health, for example. Those with Taurus or Libra ruling the 6th may be at a higher risk for STIs or other sexual health issues but only if their Venus is also afflicted. If the ruler of your 6th house is in a strong position in your chart, chances are you will not face many health issues at all, let alone STIs.
So now let’s get into the specific planetary combinations and aspects that can predispose one to sexual health issues...
Venus / Pluto
Out of all of the charts I’ve studied from people who have reported any form of sexual health issue, hard aspects between Venus/Libra and Pluto/Scorpio appear as the most common factor. Again, this does not mean that anyone with a Venus/Pluto square will automatically contract say, Herpes, rather it suggests that the infectious nature of Pluto tends to corrupt Venus’ soft qualities in ways that can manifest as various types of infections if the individual does not take care of their body.
If we remember back to the energetics of Venus itself, we can begin to see a picture of the environment that invites certain types of infections. Venus relaxes and moistens, coaxing the tissues to adopt states of dampness, laxity and eventually depression (or a lack of activity). Even when you find Venus in a dry or tense sign, such as Gemini, her presence can create difficulty moderating between dampness/dryness or tension laxity in the organ system represented by the house she occupies. Because Pluto/Scorpio rules the genitals and reproductive systems, Venus’ presence can cause weakness in the sexual systems as well as a tendency to damp, relaxed tissue states. In my experience, I have seen this planetary relationship manifest in spermatorrhea, bed wetting, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, PMS and cystitis as well.
When I say that Venus in aspect to Pluto can contribute to these ailments, I am specifically referring to conjunctions, squares or oppositions of the two planets, as well as Venus in Scorpio or Pluto in Libra. A poignant example of this connection is the AIDS epidemic in this country gaining notoriety during Pluto’s transit of Libra in the 80’s. However, a study of the houses involved should also be taken into account to see exactly how these energies will play out and whether or not they will prove to be problematic in the individual’s health picture.
Additionally, I have also seen sugar addiction to be highly prevalent with Venus/Pluto aspects (Venus=sweet, Pluto=compulsion), and to me this acts as a major underlying factor for certain infections, especially viruses such as herpes which thrive in sugar-rich environments. So you can see how the planets don’t directly cause anything to happen, rather they set the stage for our own behavior and choices to fill in the blanks.
Venus / Jupiter
The combination of energies presented by these two planets creates an environment that fosters growth. On its own, a Jupiter/Venus conjunction does not indicate good or bad for health--in fact, I became pregnant during the last conjunction of these two in Sagittarius. However, due to the propensity to increase warmth, moisture and laxity in tissue states, individuals with Venus/Jupiter aspects should be wary of attracting co-infections that can be bacterial, viral or fungal in nature. Chronic yeast infections are quite common when these two join in the sky.
Just as the Jupiter/Venus personality tends to be warm, friendly, accepting and welcoming, the body’s energy presents this openness as well. The lax and damp tissue state often invites unwanted organism overgrowth, and potentially a constitutional weakness of the liver, which is ruled by Jupiter. Out of all the planetary relationships listed in this article, Jupiter/Venus has the strongest indication of lifestyle choices that adversely affect health. Jupiter famously loves to party, which tends to stress out the liver. When liver function is compromised, it is that much easier to contract any type of infection, as the liver safeguards all of our other defensive systems.
Because Jupiter is traditionally considered a “benefic,” or lucky planet, infections tend to be mild and easy to treat with lifestyle adjustments, as in the case of yeast infections. However, if Saturn aspects either of the two, there may be an element of chronic recurrence or long-term illness. This is a common setup for fibroid growth, wherein Venus and Jupiter encourage cystic growth and Saturn’s influence hardens them.
This is a good time to study an example chart--that of Freddie Mercury, who famously passed from bronchial pneumonia resulting from AIDS in the early 90’s during a combines transit of Jupiter to his Sun, Venus to his Mars and Chiron to his Saturn…
We can see that his powerhouse vocals were gifted from a stellium in the 2nd house--Neptune, Mars, Chiron, Jupiter AND Venus all occupy the Libra-ruled house. Most significant is the Venus/Jupiter conjunction; on it’s own, it may not have led to anything other than a spectacular voice, however his Venus was in orb of a square to Saturn, indicating a more chronic condition that would get worse with time. In addition, Saturn’s sign of Aquarius is ruler of his 6th, suggesting that planets in aspect to Saturn would contribute to health problems. There are other factors that indicate health problems in this chart--Mercury, his 2nd house ruler being right on his ascendant putting pressure on all his 2nd house planets, for example, but that’s a topic for another day.
Venus / Mars
Artist: Meinrad Craighead
Venus/Mars hard aspect produce great amounts of passion in the personality, and oftentimes impatience when it comes to sexual matters. Sexual health here is challenged here by risk of exposure--there is a tendency to get swept up in the heat of the moment, a situation which can vary greatly based on the rest of the individual’s chart--for example, those with more dominant earth energy may be slower to react while more airy folks will tend to jump right in. Either way, Venus and Mars together tends to make one act first, think later.
Due to Mars’ association with blood, infections from blood exchange that is non-sexual can occur, especially if either planet is occupying a water sign. These individuals can be accident-prone, so care should be taken with first-aid protocols and sterilization of environment or tools. Because Mars also rules inflammation, it is common that natives with hard Venus/Mars aspects develop cystitis or urinary tract infections that come with symptoms of burning.
Venus / Uranus
Similar to Venus and Mars, Venus and Uranus gives one a taste for clandestine, alternative or rule-breaking sex, making the native at an increased risk for exposure. Depending on the sign/house and other aspects, Venus and Uranus in aspect can create boredom with sexual partners, causing individuals to seek out new pleasures or novel experiences that place them in not the safest positions. There is also a certain amount of impatience here as well, compounding the risk of infection simply due to a lack of foresight or protection measures.
Because Uranus is associated with travel and different cultures from our own, health issues may also arise from being away from medicines or treatments that you may be accustomed to. STIs with Venus/Uranus tend to affect the nervous system due to Uranus’ rulership of the peripheral nerves--herpes is the most common one I have seen in charts of these natives, and treatment therefore should include some form of stress-modulation technique, lots of rest and adequate sleep, fluid and nutrient intake.
Venus / Neptune
This aspect is similar in energy to Venus/Jupiter, and can cause a constitutional weakness in the individual’s immune system. This seems to be true whether the actual planets are involved or not, for example, Venus in Pisces’ house (12th) can decrease immune system functioning although Neptune in Venus’ houses (2nd or 7th) does not seem to have as strong of a health effect.
Aside from the health challenges, this is a wonderful aspect to have for artistic and spiritual pursuits. It often endows the individual with a connection to the undercurrent of all human suffering, allowing them to tap into shared experiences of pain to create works which speak to the heart of the masses. This is what can make a song the anthem of a generation, or how a painting can bring tears to your eyes long after the artist has passed away. It is because of this openness to suffering, however, that the individual should take care with their health--the immune system tends to be more sensitive to infection than that of others. This is another planetary pair that can contribute to tumor, cystic or fibroid growth, as the energies of the two combined seem to create the perfect environment for growth.
Venus / Chiron
Lastly, Venus in hard aspect to Chiron can cause some sexual challenges by way of emotional trauma patterning. Depending on house placement and other aspects, Venus/Chiron can experience physical abuse in their life (especially if Saturn is also involved), creating imprints of guilt, shame and anger that lie dormant in the body system and attract similar situations until the individual becomes aware of the need for healing.
Venus/Chiron often believes that they are unworthy of love, or undesirable in some way, which can cause them to act out with high-risk behaviors. It is important if you have a hard Venus/Chiron aspect that you practice forms of physical and energetic protection, because you may be attracting harmful situations to yourself due to unhealed shadow material.
Zea Mays
Corn Silk
Corn silk is found at the head of the corn, and has been used by many cultures as a medicinal tea even though this is a part that we usually throw away in the modern-day US. It’s claim to fame is as a star diuretic that soothes UTIs, cystitis, prostate enlargement and all manners of irritated bladders. It also has actions on the renal and cardiac systems, working on kidney inflammation, infection and stones and releasing excess fluids from the body, which can be helpful in some cases of high blood pressure.
Corn silk is a wonderful addition to any herbal formula where a soothing diuretic is called for, and as such its application are quite varied. It can be used for anything from gout to infection to high blood sugar, in addition to its reliable usage for any sort of bladder or urinary complaints. Research shows that a tea of corn silk increases interferon, thus boosting immune functioning, and also inhibits certain bacteria from adhering to the linings of cells. Given this information, corn silk may also be considered to be an ally to the immune system as well as a urinary tonic, potentially even having applications for certain types of cancer.
Given corn silk’s energetics, I would recommend it for those who have natal Venus aspects to either Jupiter or Neptune, due to the propensity for accumulating sludge and bacterial overgrowth. Additionally, corn silk has been found to have antidepressant and anti-fatigue effects, which can affect Venus/Neptune especially.
Corn silk is a safe herb to use at large doses, although some care does need to be taken with any sort of diuretic in high amounts as it has the potential to dehydrate. Corn silk also works well synergistically with other herbs, often being paired with marshmallow root, goldenseal, uva ursi, elder or agrimony for more targeted urinary or throat afflictions. If suffering from an active infection, it is safe to recommend continued use of corn silk until the pain has subsided, but also make sure that plenty of water is being ingested as well to compensate for the diuretic activity. The tincture can be taken as well, but I find that a tea tends to be more energetically called for as it tends to carry the “soothing” action of water, which most conditions necessitating corn silk would benefit from anyway.
Agrimonia Eupatoria
Agrimony Leaf, Flower and Root
Agrimony acts as an astringent that also regulates tensions and laxity in the tissues, and has a long history of use in American, Asian and European traditions. Because of its proficiency at balancing tissue states, it is strongly indicated for those who suffer from chronic nervous tension which then causes the tissues to spasm between overly tense and overly lax, or tired. In fact, the flower essence indication is for those who hide their inner tensions behind an “all is well” facade, pushing the individual into sympathetic excess and perhaps turning to substance abuse to release inner tensions.
Agrimony has an affinity for the Taurus/Scorpio axis, historically being used as a gargle for sore throats of all manners and tonsillitis, as well as bed-wetting, diarrhea and UTIs. Agrimony improves the health of mucosal tissues overall, making it beneficial for conditions of excessive mucosa such as bronchitis, but also deficiency/dryness as seen in digestive insufficiency as well. It can help in situations where there is excess fat in the stools, suggesting that it stimulates regular secretions of bile from the gall bladder. It helps the liver as well, aiding in situations of cirrhosis or hepatitis, and smoothing the exchange of fluids between the hepatic and digestive systems overall.
In many traditions, problems with the liver and gall bladder are correlated with suppressed anger, and the personality type that would strongly benefit from agrimony not only physically but emotionally and spiritually as well also fit this profile. Those who hide their more turbulent emotions behind smooth facades are bound to develop reservoirs of repressed angers, and this can especially be true for those with afflicted natal Venuses that has manifested in some form of sexual violence or abuse. I might recommend Agrimony for Venus in hard aspect to Pluto, Mars or Chiron for these indications.
In addition to Agrimony’s actions on mucosal tissue, it also helps move the flow of blocked energy that can manifest in irregular breathing patterns, as found in cases of asthma, nervousness and tension headaches. In the case of difficult toilet training, Agrimony can address the underlying anxiety that accompanies as well as the physical condition of the tissues and “leaky bladder.” Additionally, it has strong effects on the kidneys, being used for recurrent stones or diabetic conditions.
I have been using Agrimony for someone who grinds their teeth at night, presenting both tissue conditions of tension and laxity in alternation. I haven’t been using it with them for long so I can’t yet speak to its efficacy, but more information may be coming soon...
Agrimony has an astringent taste that increases after it goes into flower. Before blooming it can also taste mildly sweet and sour. It contains tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, polysaccharides, small amounts of glycosidal bitters, and minerals (including silicon). For most of the indicated uses listed above, a tea of the leaves at a medicinal dose (at least 3 cups/day) is called for, and a decoction of the root seems to be indicated for deeper or more chronic coughs and asthmatic conditions. The dose of the tincture would be 1-15 drops, 1-3x/day (Matthew Wood), or 1-2 drams to 4 ounces of water (Rolla Thomas).
Blessed Samhain all!
Until next month, xoxo